Building Permit Application

Building Permit Application Process
(1) Obtain building permit application form from the Town of Stark Town Clerk (2) Fill out all information associated with pertinent information and fees. (3) Return completed application and appropriate fees to the Town Clerk. (4) Make checks or money orders payable to the Town of Stark Town Clerk. (5) Any sketches on the application must conform to the Land Use Regulations and Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Stark, including any set-backs from any roadway. Must also provide set backs from all other property lines and location to any other structure, water source and septic system on the property. (6) No work covered by the application may begin before the issuance of a building permit. Upon approval by the Code Officer, a building permit will be issued to the applicant after payment has been received by the Town Clerk. (7) Any permit issued must be displayed on the premises for the duration of the work process. A final inspection is necessary before a Certificate of Occupancy or a Certificate of Compliance is issued and is approved by the Code Officer. (8) Contact information: Mr. Philip Green, Code Officer/Building Inspector Phone 315-534-2232 Email:
Building Permit Application
Standard Schedule of Fees (5/2/2006)
Standard Schedule of Fees, as updated, May 9, 2023.
This shall be known as the “Standard Schedule of Fees Law” of the Town of Stark, Herkimer County, New York.
This Law is to establish reasonable standards of procedure to protect the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Stark.
All checks are to be made payable to the Town of Stark Town Clerk. A permit fee} will be doubled for any work started for which a permit is required but has not been issued.
Single Family Dwelling/Double Family Dwelling} $.15 per sq. ft. of habitable space. Minimum Fee $100. Multiple Dwellings/Dwelling Additions} $.20 per sq.ft. of habitable. Accessory Building and Storage Structures (decks, attached garages, etc.)} $.06 per sq.ft. Minimum Fee $35.00. (Less than 100 sq. ft., permit required, but no fee charged.) Alterations and repairs.} $50.00 Fence permit (non-Agricultural.} $35.00 Flat Fee. Fire Place/Stove Permit.}$25.00 (included with new dwelling building permit.) Swimming Pool Permit } $25.00 (includes fence permit). Certificate of Occupancy } No charge with unexpired building permit. $50.00 charge for expired permit for moving in without Certificate of Occupancy. Certificate of Compliance } No charge with unexpired building permit for demolitions, swimming pools, fences, accessory buildings, etc. Mobile home-Single wide per unit } $50.00. Double wide/Factory manufactured housing. }$.15 per sq. ft. Mobile Home Parks } $10.00 per mobile home lot for initial license and $10.00 per lot annual renewal fee thereafter. Junk Car Application} $50.00. Annual Renewal } $25.00. (e.g. Two or more unregistered motor vehicles, etc.)
Business/Commercial Buildings } $100.00 up to 5,000 sq. ft., $2.00 for each additional 100 sq. ft. Additions to commercial buildings } $20.00 plus $2.00 per 100 sq. ft. Alterations to Commercial buildings } $20.00 plus $2.00 per $1000.00 estimated cost. Accessory Structures } $20.00 plus $2.00 per $1000 estimated cost. Mobile Home Parks and Junk car Applications } same as residential fees. Certificate of Occupancy } No charge with unexpired permit. $50.00 fee for expired permit or site plan review or special permit approval. Special Use Permit or Zoning Amendment Hearing } $100.00 (includes advertisement of Town Board Legal Notice.) Town Board Special Use Permit Renewal } $30.00 annually.
Town Clerk Fees } Marriage License } $40.00, Dog License } $5.00 Neutered } $13.00 unneutered. Certified Copies } $10.00 (eg, Birth Certificate, Death Certificate, etc.) Standard Copies, } $.25 per page, minimum charge $1.00. Huntin/Fishing Licenses vary, call Town Clerk. Copies of Maps } $2.00, Town Regulations (Land Use, Subdivision, etc.) } $5.00. Any other copies at cost.
Agriculture Permit Fees } Same as residential. Note (Agricultural buildings used soley in the raising , growing or storage of agricultural products by a farmer engaged in a farming operation) permit is required, but no fee is charged.
Assessing Fees } Search fee for Special Use Permit Hearings or Zoning Board Hearings } $25.00. (For General Business, Office Business, General Industrial, Local Business, Hamlet Residential and other Residential Districts.)
Planning Board } $100.00. (Includes advertising Town Board Legal Notice.)
Zoning Board of Appeals } $100.00. (Includes adveretising and Certificate of Occupancy for variance, home occupancy and residential professional uses. Non-conforming uses in non-residential permit same as business/commercial.
(1) Application and Review Fees (2-way property Split) } $50.00.
(a) Minor Subdivision (3 or 4 lots) Sketch plat $150.00. Sketch plat resubmission fee $75.00. Final plat $100.00. Final plat resubmission fee $50.00.
(b)Major Subdivision without public improvements (over 4 lots). Sketch plat $150.00 plus $5.00 per lot. Sketch plat resubmission one-half total submission fee. Preliminary plat } $150 plus $5.00 per lot. Preliminary plat resubmission fee} one half total initial fee. Final plat} $150.00. Final plat resubmission fee} one-half total initial fee.
(c) Major Subdivision with Public Improvements. Sketch plat} $200.00 plus $10.00 per lot. Sketch plat resubmission} one-half initial fee. Preliminary plat} $200.00 plus $50.00 per lot. Final plat} $250.00. Final plat resubmission} $125.00
(d) Major Subdivision fees/Planned Unit Development. Dwellings} $700.00 per new dwelling payable upon Approval of Application. Duplexes} $700.00 per new dwelling unit payable upon Approval of Application. Multiple Dwelling} $350.00 per new dwelling (Conventional and Townhouse) payable upon Approval of Application. Cluster Development} $750.00 per new dwelling unit, payable upon Approval of Application. Mobile Home Park} $600.00 per new Mobile Home dwelling unit, payable upon Approval of Application.
(2) Inspection fee for Public Improvements. The subdividee (developer) shall pay to the Town, at the time of application for a public improvement permit, a deposit for the inspection of all required public improvements in accordance with the following schedule
Construction Cost of Public Inspection Fee. $0.00 to $10,000.00} 8% of total construction Cost. Over $10,000.00 to $100,000.00} $800.00 plus 6% over $10,000.00. Over $100,000.00} 6% of total construction cost. An additional $50.00 fee shall be paid to the Town for Administrative Services. The inspection deposit shall be used to pay for the Town’s inspector or agent. Funds not used for this purpose shall be returned to the developer upon acceptance of the improvements.
If the deposited amount is exceeded due to the project not proceeding expeditiously, being understaffed, utilization of inexperienced contractors, conditions beyond control of the Town of their agent, then the developer must pay the outstanding inspection fee before the improvements may be accepted.
The developer should note that additional inspection deposits may be required by outside agencies. The affected agency should be consulted to determine their costs.
SITE PLAN REVIEW FEES} $150.00. Site plan review fees apply to all uses requiring a Site Plan Review. This review fee includes two submittals and shall be paid at the time of initial submittal. If the plans cannot be approved in the second submittal because they are incomplete or the Town specifications are not being followed, one-half the review fee will be charged for each subsequent submittal.
This shall be known as the “Standard Schedule of Fees” for the Town of Stark, Herkimer County, New York.
The schedule is intended to establish fees to erect or install commercial or private wind turbines, permanent or temporary meterological towers, cellular, telecommunication towers and other non-residential structures in the Town of Stark. A seperate application is required for each structure or building. Wind turbines include the turbines, blades, tower base and pad transformer